Miss Mallory Meredith's Misinterpretations and Follies (Obscenities Included!)

Posts tagged ‘St. Jacques de Compostelle’

First 100 Miles Down

The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed beyond belief. It wasn’t as if the day prior had really beenĀ so bad, but more that it was like a reset button on my body. My feet weren’t that achy, and neither were my legs. I was a bit stiff, but after the initial wake up stretch, it was as if I hadn’t already walked 65 miles.

Fanny and I decided to try to meet at the same place again, leaving at the same time after breakfast, around 7:30am. We had some quick hills, but now my body seemed to be good at handling the buggers. I also knew how my body would react appropriately, so I could manage myself if the asthma wouldn’t settle properly. Within fifteen minutes, Fanny set down her pack to take something out.
